Life’s stressful. So much work to do, so much to worry about. If you have a job, you’re stressed about losing it. If you don’t have a job, things seem so hopeless.
The fabric of society is falling apart. Politics bring important decisions to a standstill. Global climate change. Terrorism.
OK, folks, enough. Cut yourself some slack.
First, try to make a key distinction: Of everything that’s broken in the world, it’s important that somebody worries about it. That somebody doesn’t have to be you. That doesn’t mean you’re unaware of the need, but if you don’t have the means to do something useful, why is it you that needs to be the worrier?
Worry about the things where you can be a help, where you’ll actually do something.
Be aware of what’s going on in the world, and let other people take on the emotional burden.
Second, realize that negative energy shrinks you, and positive energy grows you. When I use positive energy – encouragement, lightness, humor, passion – I attract others who want to help. I increase the scope of my impact, and have more energy doing it.
When I use my negative energy – complaining, debating, accusing, berating – I drive away people who might be able to help. Those who remain are the type of people who are combative and self-serving, which reduces my impact. Energy is wasted internally, not getting useful things done.
Third, concentration and focus gives you a greater depth of impact. If I worry about the shortage of clean water in the world, it’s incredibly difficult for me to make a difference. If I focus on water in my community, I can now work with a few people who can influence important decisions.
Let me leave you with a thought to ponder: Giving positive energy to others is one of the greatest free gifts you have to offer. And when you do that, they will give positive energy back to you in abundance.
Kind of like sharing your love, really.