1. Tawnia

    Hello Carl!
    Any advice for me. I worked as a graphic designer/illustrator for a family company for 8 years. I took a break to become a trail builder in Montana. My favorite job of all time, however, the snow came in October.

    I skipped the 8th grade, graduated a year early from high school, and then created my own Degree in Instructional Media Design…when the art department didn’t even acknowledge computWem now working for the post office, and have been told to be patient in becoming a career employee… I have been told that the post office is like a slow moving elephant. That I cannot rush things.

    I have been there for 4 years, with no hope of a Saturday off for the next 15 years….I do believe I have lost all my senses, self worth, and confidence that I once had. What do I do?

  2. A few thoughts on this, Tawnia.

    First, you can treat the Post Office as a fixed entity – because, essentially, it’s impossible to change the nature of an organization like that. If it’s fixed, then that still gives you options:
    * Stay and try to be happy with it
    * Leave
    * See if there’s any flexibility at all to change your trajectory

    If you’re interested in the third, then you might want to read my series on creating your own job out of thin air. Is it possible? I have no idea. But it might give you some possibilities and options.

    Second, if you want to head off in a new direction, a new career, that’s certainly a choice you can make. It’ll take time, it’ll cost money, but if you end up being happier and more productive, why not get started? You could even go back to school while you’re working at the P.O. Or look for a different kind of P.O. job that you could move into eventually.

    My main advice is to stop thinking about yourself as a victim of circumstances. We all have limits – personal, societal, physical, whatever. Your objective should be to try to do the best with what you’ve been given.


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