This has been a thoughtful time for our family.

We found out recently that our beloved fuzzball, Mario, has contracted cancer. There’s not a whole lot to be done at this point – any interventions will be quite expensive and likely not improve his quality of life very much.
It’s not easy for any of us, because we have to face our own mortality as well.
It’s easy to sail through life looking at the daily challenges. But that’s not the MOST important thing.
I believe the ultimate purpose is to make a difference in the world, even in the most minute ways. But primarily through relationships and helping our fellow travelers on their journeys.

Somehow, it never feels important enough. But we can see it with our pets.
They never have high expectations.
They’re able to live in the moment.
They’re able to appreciate the experience of life itself, and not worry about the rest of the world.
I strive to keep this healthy perspective in my own life, to be grateful for what I have and to focus on helping others where I can.
I think I’ll go give Mario a good skritch behind the ears right now.