1. Cecileray

    Good post, Carl, though Risk notion is missing. Cheers, CecileRay

  2. Fair enough, Cecile! Here are a few thoughts.

    First, the idea of risk is usually what holds us back from making any changes at all. In fact, one of the important concepts in change management is that you have to shift the balance so that people perceive the risk of changing to be less than the risk of NOT changing. That’s tough to do, even tougher to maintain over time.

    When you apply this to your own career decisions, recognize that you have the tendency to think that staying the same is less risky than changing. It’s important to realize that you have the ability to shift the balance within yourself:
    * Identify what’s attractive about changing. How is that compelling to you in some deep way?
    * Investigate and explore. Many times you’ll find that changing direction isn’t as scary as you might have thought. But even if that’s not true, you’ll find information that helps you make a more informed choice.
    * Give yourself permission to try and fail, to play. When you can explore an area without giving up much security, you’re more able to handle the consequences. In other words, start investigating your next career step before you give up your current job.

    Risk is real, but you don’t have to let it immobilize you!

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