1. Martha

    This movie resounded with a message to the seniors who visit me about assisted living as a lifestyle choice: they know they need it before they hurt themselves and end up in a nursing facility but they resist because they want to “stay in their house”. Well, they are many times lonely in that house, dangerous because they have no help with daily needs that have become difficult, nutrition is substandard, house cleaning and yard care has become increasingly diminished, but more than all that, clinging to a house prevents them from the precious interaction they could be having with people their own age and for the veterans, they could be adding $1,050 to $1950 a month when they live in a facility like ours and having had either served in a war for even one day or are the widow of someone who served during war time with the VA program called Aid and Attendance. “It’s only a house.” ttyl

  2. Hmm… Maybe you could put together a group outing for everyone to go see the movie, and/or order the DVD when it comes out! It might help people to think through their tough issues of separation –?

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