The big picture
My universe is converging in interesting ways right now. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about developing a reputation and being memorable. Then, as it turns out, a dear […]
My universe is converging in interesting ways right now. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about developing a reputation and being memorable. Then, as it turns out, a dear […]
About 15 years ago, I noticed that I had a choice for what I paid attention to, and that it made a fundamental difference. Here’s a recent example: In connection […]
I’ve volunteered for a variety of causes over the years, and I’ve had a chance to lead some volunteer groups as well. It’s given me some fascinating insights. People volunteer […]
Our state is on fire. Karl Gehring, The Denver Post The High Park Fire is now in its ninth day, with 141 homes destroyed in over 85 square miles. It’s […]
We talk a lot about making things better for the future. That’s a good thing. But with that focus, we tend to disregard what’s going on right here and now. […]
I tend to think of myself as an optimistic guy. Despite some internal struggles and down moments, I find that it’s more fun going through life looking for opportunity more […]
When I gave a presentation a few weeks ago, I talked about how people relate to their income level. I observed that people worry about money a great deal when […]
It’s the end of the year. I’m not a big fan of new year’s resolutions, really – I don’t see much reason to make up arbitrary goals with the realization […]
Man, I sure blew that. I had that discussion with my boss, and it sure feels like I gave her a bad impression. Now she’ll think I’m an idiot. OK, […]
I don’t know about you, but there’s some days I can hardly get myself out of bed. The prospect of yet another day of pointless work…. Or I get out […]