Sometimes it seems like I’m hard-wired to look for risks, for dangers. Perhaps I am. So here’s a powerful question that I use to help break me out of that mindset:
What’s the best that could happen?
Here’s the deal: When you have to look for the upside, then it becomes more real. Those scary scenarios start to take a back seat to the more positive energy that flows from this kind of question.
Let’s say that I’m trying to engage with a potential business partner. Normally my fears start creeping in:
- What if I lose some control?
- What if the partner doesn’t like me?
- What if I invest a whole lot of effort and it doesn’t work out?
Perhaps you recognize this voice too. This gremlin is sometimes screaming during these times of economic uncertainty.
So I ask myself the question: What’s the best that could happen?
- I could get more business than I had possibly dreamed of.
- I might find that this partner really is awesome and energizing to work with.
- This could create wonderful surprises and opportunities that I’d never even thought of.
At this point, there’s a danger that I might become over-optimistic, so now I temper it with a deeper grounding:
- Connect with my core principles
- Trust in myself and my capabilities
- Realize that there are always risks in life, but many are worth taking
Now I’m feeling more comfortable to move ahead with conviction and energy.
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Great coaching questions !
Thanks a lot Carl