The world is so screwed up. Our society is going downhill FAST.
There’s just so much to worry about, right? The economy, other people, my job, the environment…. An infinite well of despair and problems.
But, for whatever reason, humans were created to seek peace. You can look to others for that peace, but because people are fickle and inconsistent, your satisfaction will be fleeting.
At some point, you have to recognize that your peace has to flow from your own outlook and philosophy. If that’s based on religion or philosophy, fine, but I’m not even talking about something that deep.
I was talking with a priest friend the other day, and I happened to mention that I’ve been troubled by divisions within the church. He looked at me with some surprise, and I realized that his happiness is based on something simple: warm relationships with people, and a deep belief that his service matters.
Who knows if his service is actually changing lives? That’s beyond my ability to judge. But the important thing is that he’s dedicated himself to this life of service and HE believes it matters.
In that context, even a simple smile is important, a welcome for someone who’s feeling down. He’s the one who’s always the first to welcome someone, even if that means he’ll be a minute or two behind schedule.
He’s content with his life.
Sure, he recognizes that there’s many problems in the world, but also that his role is not to try to fix everything. And it’s not even to complain about those things he can’t affect. His role is, humbly, to do what he can and be satisfied with that.
I’ve learned a lot from this holy man, and I strive to have the same internal compass as he does.