I’m finding out some fascinating things about managing your mental state during the job hunting process. Here’s just a few:
1. My emotions are very much dependent on other peoples’ behavior. I submit a job application, but then get no response at all – that’s depressing. I make a connection with someone who might be able to help – now I feel great. I look through job listings but can’t find anything – I’m depressed again. Partly this is just the nature of the game, but I think there’s a lot to be said for having a plan of attack and just sticking to the plan. I can feel good about meeting the goals I’ve set for myself, even if there’s no immediate payoff.
2. I have a LOT of balls in the air at any moment. Not only am I pursuing two largely independent possible career paths, but also giving presentations and lots of networking. I have to rely on my systems to keep from letting things fall through the cracks – what most worried me when my PC died on Monday.
3. It’s too easy to stay in my comfort zone. I’m not a great networker, so I have to force myself to pursue that – because that’s where my next job will come from. It’s too easy just to do stuff on the PC. Like blogging. 😉
And I can’t forget to take care of my health during all this, mental, physical and spiritual. So it’s now time to go have lunch with my wife.
Welcome to the world of “yin-yang” (tao – the Way) or in my scientific terminology would be “harmonic motion” – the ups and downs of life. One moment happy, next moment sad – and this is the natural balance to ensure one takes a rest, after the screaming. The marketeers want us to keep screaming which leads to consumerism, which brings in the bonuses. Tao, a Chinese philosophy of 2,500 years old teaches one to live a life of simplicity, honesty and helpfulness – the basics of the HP Way. I am glad I was part of that then, even it is gone now. Enjoy the weekend! Keep going nevertheless, as the future is the only path we have to walk on.