I’ve been fortunate to have had opportunities during my career to create jobs. Ultimately I even ended up creating customized jobs for myself, based on bringing my best talents and passions to giving great value to my employer.
In the first article, I describe the general approach. In the subsequent 5 installments, I walk you through the process of creating a job which could just be the most exciting work you’ve ever done.
Read the series of 6 articles on my Workbloom blog»
You might also find this interesting:
- Creating custom jobs out of thin air, part 1: How are jobs normally created?
- Creating a custom job out of thin air, part 2: Establishing the compelling organizational need
- “Your job is to find a job”
- Creating a custom job out of thin air, part 4: Others affected by the job
- You Who Are Getting Obliterated in the Dancing Swarm of Fireflies
Thank you for your great response! I look forward to reading your articles!