A peaceful 2012?
This is the beginning of the International Hour for Peace. I don’t know how widespread this is – Google is surprisingly unhelpful – but it’s a good time to think […]
This is the beginning of the International Hour for Peace. I don’t know how widespread this is – Google is surprisingly unhelpful – but it’s a good time to think […]
You’ve heard this advice before: If you wait until a job opening is posted, it’s too late! How frustrating! You’re following the rules, and I’m saying that there’s no possible […]
It’s not WHAT you know, it’s WHO you know. Right? So who is it that you should know? The implicit assumption is that if you want to get a new […]
I’ve noticed a curious thing about asking for favors.You’d think that the difficulty of getting someone to give you something would directly relate to how valuable it is. If I […]
Whew! It looks like we may actually survive to the end of 2011 – and it’s been a brutal year. If you’re lucky enough to have a job, you’ve probably […]
Some years ago, I ran across a person who asked me, “How’s it going?”. I issued the standard answer, “fine,” thinking nothing of it. End of conversation, nothing interesting said. […]
Yeah, your boss is a pain. Always getting on your case about something or other, and she never listens to your requests for some time off or making your job […]
It’s Labor Day here in the US, a holiday when we remember those who have fought to create a work environment where people can earn a fair living for doing […]
You’ve been wanting to advance your career, but it seems that you’re sabotaging yourself at every turn. You were going to have that important discussion with your boss, and then […]
I have several blogs, as you may have discovered. On a regular basis, I get emails from other blog sites which say something like: I’ve been following your blog for […]