I was listening to an interesting podcast the other day, which presented a mind-bending thought:
Your career is actually a service to society.
Think about it: everyone plays a role in society, no matter what they do. On the job side, they might be an accountant, a CEO, a road worker. Outside that, they build a family, volunteer to help others, and have social circles.
For society to function well, each role has value.
But who cares? Why is this important?
I’m just a business coach out here in the midst of the vast USA, doing my best to make a living . Nothing exceptional.
But when I think about why that might be important to society, it challenges me in a whole bunch of new ways:
- Society needs businesses which function better – more efficient, happier customers, more valued employees.
- If my clients achieve these kinds of goals, it’ll positively affect a whole bunch of people beyond just that one person.
- I have some unique and powerful skills which help clients to do just that.
It’s humbling to think that my role is necessary and has value far beyond just feeding my family. And it gives me a reason to look beyond just my daily frustrations.
What does it mean to YOU that your job is a necessary and valuable part of society? Does it open up new possibilities?