How cool is that???
I had a chance this week to see a great speaker, Brad Montgomery. He bills himself as a humorist, which he is, but his message was very relevant to our […]
I had a chance this week to see a great speaker, Brad Montgomery. He bills himself as a humorist, which he is, but his message was very relevant to our […]
I had a chance to give a presentation to a bunch of great people in a company in the UK this week, about career development. Like all the rest of us, […]
I imagine you’ve heard some version of this story: A traveller was walking through town and happened on a construction site. He asked a worker there, “what are you doing?” […]
I’ve had a chance for several coaching sessions recently – both as a coach and as a client – and I started thinking about what a unique experience it is […]
A couple of years ago, usability expert Jakob Nielsen put forward what he called the 90-10-1 rule: Social communities tend to be composed of 90% “lurkers”, 9% intermittent contributors, and […]
I had a chance to attend a webinar this morning entitled, “A Conversation with Gary Hamel on Management in the 21st Century: Building a Blueprint for a Company Fit for […]
One of the key concepts that you can learn from a coach is Integrity. Normally we think of that word in connection with honesty and upright principles. But it’s much more […]
No doubt many of you have heard about a book and movie called The Secret. It’s fascinating stuff, but very New Agey. The key message is the Law of Attraction. Some […]
That hasn’t been a great week. We see the entire financial system of the US descending into a bottomless pit, and dragging the rest of the world down with it. […]
Happy new (calendar) year, everyone! I hope you had a great break. The most remarkable thing for me was that my e-mail trailed off to just a dribble, primarily just […]